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Adams Gas is ISO 9001 Accredited

When building a business, maintaining customers and attracting new trade is the entire goal. There are several ways in which business owners can encourage sales; developing brand loyalty and trust among customers are two of the most effective ways of achieving this. Customers are far more likely to return to the same company if they believe that they are receiving a decent, reliable and trustworthy service.

One way of promoting trust in your company is through accreditations; such credentials serve as proof to potential customers that they can have faith in your services. But what is meant by the term ‘accreditation’, and how does this influence customer purchasing decisions?  Here, we take a look at the importance of accreditation and specifically how ISO 9001 accreditation has impacted Adams Gas.

Happy Team in a Safe Working Environment like Adams Gas

Accreditations: What Are They?

Accreditations are desirable grades awarded to businesses that show that they have been assessed to an industry-recognised standard. Such credentials are also seen as a safety barrier for customers, ensuring that they will be getting quality service from an organisation.

As of 17th May 2018, Adams Gas became officially ISO 9001 accredited. We have been assessed and approved by QAS International to the ISO 9001 management systems, standards and guidelines.

What is ISO 9001?

ISO 9001 is a standard that sets out the requirements for a quality management system, helping businesses and organisations be more efficient and improve customer satisfaction. There are currently over one million companies and organisations in over 170 countries certified to ISO 9001. The standard is based on a number of quality management principles including a strong customer focus, the motivation and implication of top management.

ISO 9001 was first founded in 1987, but the standards are regularly updated to ensure it remains relevant as the world of business changes over time – ISO 9001 is based on the idea of continual improvement. As ISO 9001 is flexibly designed to suit any type of business, objectives are not strictly specified and instead the company itself, such as Adams Gas, define their own objectives based on their organisational needs and continually improve their processes in order to reach those objectives.

Here is more on the background of ISO 9001:

What Does This Mean for Adams Gas Customers?

Implementing a quality management system into the Adams Gas organisation will only benefit our customers further. We will be able to put our customers first, making sure we consistently meet their needs as bottled gas suppliers.

With ISO 9001, Adams Gas can work in a more efficient way as our processes are aligned and understood by all of our employees. This, in turn, increases our overall productivity and efficiency, ensuring a healthier working environment for all. We will be able to meet the necessary statutory and regulatory requirements with greater fluidity and can identify and address any risks quicker.

With the customer-focus management principle outlined in ISO 9001, we can better understand our customer’s current and future needs and link our objectives to meet customer needs and expectations. We can monitor customer satisfaction, taking appropriate actions and actively managing relationships with our customers.

As with any organisation, official accreditations are a positive thing. Here at Adams Gas we are constantly striving for improvement, and with the addition of our ISO 9001 accreditation, you can be assured that we are following a strict standard of quality management principles.