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8 Common Uses of Bottled Gas

When most people think of bottled gas, the first use they probably think of will be helium balloons. Helium balloons are a popular attraction at weddings, birthday parties, showcases and the kids’ section in McDonald’s. Balloons are a very visible use of bottled gas, but it has hundreds of other functions in your life that you might not yet be aware of.

1) Beer and Cellar

Carbon dioxide is used in breweries and bars to keep certain beer styles effervescent. Beer gas, such as CO2 and Nitrogen mixtures, puts the fizz in your evening beverage. Curiously enough, beverage gases are actually classified as food, and therefore must be covered by food safety regulations as well as the typical safety regulations required for bottled gas products.

Glasses of light and dark beer on a pub background.

2) BBQ

Summer brings the widespread craving for a good BBQ across the UK, and if you’ve ever had the joy of hosting such a uniquely summery activity, then you will have most likely used patio gas – the stuff you need to make the BBQ work. Patio gas is essentially propane gas, also known as ‘LPG’. It is best stored somewhere cool and dry with a flat surface. You should try to remember to detach the gas regulator when your bottle is not in use as a safety precaution against gas leaks.

3) Air Conditioning

Another important addition to the summer months, nitrogen bottles can be used to supply air conditioning in the home and businesses, but you can also get refills for your car’s air con. Without air con, our lives would be a lot sweatier in the hot summer.  Nitrogen is relatively inert, so it is a fairly safe gas to store.

Modern air conditioning system installed on the ceiling

4) Motorsports

Racing enthusiasts may be aware of the debates over how tyres should be filled for F1. A mixture of oxygen and nitrogen is favoured over simple dry air or other gas combinations, as the use of  nitrogen gas bottles minimises the variations in tyre pressure in different climates and weathers. By reducing these variations, racers are less likely to cause accidents by misjudging unfamiliar tyres which affect the capabilities of their vehicles.

5) Food Preservation

The same gas that we use in our air conditioning is also used to help preserve certain types of food. This process is called ‘Controlled Atmospheric Storage’ and it is implemented through the use of food-grade nitrogen. By modifying the atmosphere in food packets such as salads, the growth of microorganisms is reduced (if not prevented) and the oxidation of fats is also slowed.

Red Tomatoes

6) Hydroponics

As with lager and soft drink carbonation, hydroponics requires a food-grade gas. Hydroponics is a science-fiction-esque manner of growing your daily veggies without the use of soil. Instead, plants are suspended whilst their roots are coated in a nutrient-rich mist at pre-determined intervals. This process ensures that the plants can grow all year round in indoor environments. Hydroponics is great because it requires far less space than traditional horticulture, allowing for more food to be cultivated in smaller spaces. Bottled gas is used in hydroponics in order to administer the correct amount of food-grade CO2 required for the plants to grow.

7) Paintballing

This popular competitive shooting sport also employs the use of bottled CO2 or compressed air. Paintball guns need compressed gas in order to propel their paint balls out of the barrel, through the air and – if you’re a good shot – smack bang into your opponent.

8) Welding

Welding also requires bottled gas in order to protect the weld area from oxygen and water vapour. These gases are known as ‘shielding gases’ for the barrier they create. Inability to choose the correct welding gas can lead to a weak weld and spatter.

Welding typically uses either inert gases, such as argon and helium, or a combination of these noble gases with semi-inert chemicals, such as CO2, hydrogen and oxygen. Different combinations are used for different metals.

Electrical welding

Whether you’re planning a BBQ or off to the pub, warming up in winter or eating a salad, bottled gas has probably been a part of your experience. If you’re looking to source bottled gas for personal, business or wholesale uses, contact Adams Gas for more information on our range of products.

Bottled Gas